sreda, 20. avgust 2014

44. DEL

..."Excuse me, this number does not exist" je povedalo v telefon.
"It's not calling" sem rekla Luku in mu dala telefon v roke.
"Then call Scooter" mi je še naprej godrnjal in stal zraven dokler nisem poklicala Scooterja.
"Hey Scoot, Kim here" sem rekla ko se je oglasil. 
"Hello Kim, what's up" 
"Everything...I'm calling you because I need Justin"
"Oh yes, he changed his number"
"But why?" 
"Fans started calling him again"
"oh...well is he somewhere with you?"
"he has a practice for a concert"
"Then send me his number and I'll call him later"
"Ok, bye"
"Bye" zaklenila sem telefon in šla v sobo ter si naredila kopel. 

Kim je šla v kopalnico, jaz pa sem prižgal televizijo in gledal nogomet. Naenkrat je zapiskal njen telefon, ko ji je Scooter poslal številko. Ker sem vedel, da Kim ne bi poklicala Justina, sem ga jaz. Nekaj časa je zvonilo, potem pa se je oglasil ženski glas.
"Hey. Did I get Justin?" sem vprašal.
"No I'm his girlfriend, but that's his phone"
"hey Kia, it's Luke. Is Justin anywhere with you?"
"wait.." je rekla in slišal sem da se je z nekom pogovarjala, potem pa sem slišal moški glas v telefon.
"Hey Luke" prepoznal sem Justinov glas.
"Hey Justin, are you busy?" 
"mm...not now, why?"
"I'm calling you because I think you should know that Nicky was kiddnaped" nastala je tišina.
"What?" je vprašal šokirano.
"Yesterday" sem dodal. Spet je nastala tišina, zato sem še rekel
"...and she called you but she didn't get you" 
"That was her?" je vprašal presenečeno, kot da se je nekaj spomnil.
"Anyway, It'll be better if you know for, I have to go now. See you" ker ni nič več rekel, sem prekinil in odložil telefon nazaj na mizo ter nadaljeval z gledanjem televizije.

Luke told me a terrible news. I was shocked, because she called me and I thought it was a fan. 
"What did he say?" asked Kia. It was one month before her birth and I didn't want to anger her.
"Nicky was kiddnaped" I told her and then she looked at me with that jealous look which only womens can make.
"I have to go" 
"I know, but if you go, you'll never come back" I pull her to me and kissed her on forehead.

"You're a mother of my baby...I won't leave you and if you think that's not true, you don't know me well" I smirked at her and she did the same. I hold her face

 and kissed her on lips and then said to her
"I love you"
"I love you too" 
Then I called Scooter and changed my clothes.

Bill me je odpeljal k sebi domov. Živel je v stanovanju v neki zapuščeni ulici. V stanovanju je smrdelo po cigaretih.
"How is this possible that you're a cop and you live like that?" sem ga vprašala, ko sem sedela na kavču, on pa je z fotelja gledal tv. 
"I'm saving"
"For what?!"
"One day I'll move to Europe and there I'll buy a big house" 
"Not if they arrest you before" sem mu govorila.
"Nobody knows for that place here and lose your hope because they'll never find you" mogoče je imel prav in bilo me je strah prihodnosti z njim. Naprej nisem več kaj rekla in 2 minuti po najini tišini se je slišalo trkanje na vratih...

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