sobota, 5. julij 2014

32. DEL

..."Canada are you ready? See you in 2 days #starsdance"
Nasmehnila sem se, potem pa se hitro zresnila in brez da bi pogledala Kim, sem ji rekla
"Ok we really need to decide what we'll wear on the concert" nič ni bilo slišati, zato sem se obrnila in videla Kim kako je ležala na postelji in globoko dihala ter gledala v strop. 
"Is everything ok?" sem jo zaskrbljeno vprašala.
"I can't believe this is happening" brez besed sem jo gledala, potem pa je nadaljevala "just think that we maybe go on the tour with Justin and that we are going on Selena's concert"
"I don't know if I would go on the tour" sem rekla z vedno nižjim tonom.
"What? Why?"
"Just think that Justin will have a family now"
"Well Kia will freak out if she'll find out that we're going with Justin... and that's not good for the baby"
"But you two are best friends, how can't she understand that?"
"I know right" začeli sva se smejat.
"we are best friends right?" sem jo vprašala ko sva utihnili.
"Of course" mi je odgovorila, jaz pa sem pogledala v tla.
"Something's wrong right?" me je resno vprašala, ko je videla, da ji hočem nekaj povedat.
"Nicky, tell me what's wrong!" mi je še enkrat rekla, ko ji nisem hotla povedet.
"Yesterday one of the cops....raped me" začela sem jokat,  Kim pa je samo obstala in gledala prestrašeno.
"He did what?!" se je zadrla in vzela telefon, kot da je hotela nekoga poklicat.
"No please, don't call anyone please"
"They need to arest him!" začela je tipkat številko, potem pa sem jo prijela za roko.
"Don't call anyona please...he told me if I tell this to anyone he'll hurt my family and friends...please don't do this" sem jo prosila, potem pa je odložila telefon.
"Did you tell anyone this?" me je vprašala.
"No, just you" objela me je, jaz pa sem rahlo jokala.
"For now, we'll try to forget this...I'll help you find the dress for the concert and you'll help me" šli sva do omare in vsa oblačila zložile na posteljo, da sva sploh videli kaj imava. Na tak način sva preživeli popoldan.

V šoli sem imela že vse ocene zaključene in bil je že čas, da se začnejo počitnice. S Kim sva bili v sobi in gledali film, ko mi je zazvonil telefon. Pogledala sem kdo kliče in bila je mama.
"What a miracle that you called me" sem rekla takoj, ko sem se javila.
"Nicky...your brother is in the hospital"...

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