nedelja, 23. februar 2014

12. DEL

..."Nicky!" je zaklical in pritekel za mano ter me potegnil za roko. Hitro sem odmaknila roko in se obrnila.
"Leave me alone!" sem se zadrla nanj, da so vsi pogledali. 
"Please listen to me. I was drunk and I didn't know what I'm doing"
"Excuse me? You tried to get me naked and you punched me in head!" obrnila sem se in spet me je potegnil.
"I know! And I'm sorry for this...please forgive me...cuz I really like you and I don't wanna screw up our friendship" pogledala sem nekatere, ki so naju gledali, potem pa sem ga pogledala in rahlo prikimala. Nasmehnil se je in se ugriznil v ustnico, potem pa me še objel.
"Thank you...see you" in odšel k prijateljem.

I expected that, because girls can't live without me. Everyone wants me and Nicky is the same. She will come to me and then I won't let her.
"Is ok between you and Nicky?" asked Chris immedeatly when I came to my friends.
"Yes, she forgiven me and now I will have much more chance with her"
"Why do you even want her? C'mon dude... you broke up with Chloe, which gave to you everything you have ever wanted, just because of the new girl"
"Shut up... I won't leave Chloe alone. I will have her when I will be alone in nights"

S Kim sva preživeli pouk, po pouku pa sva odšli v sobo. Nisem hotela več kam samo spati sem hotela. Ulegla sem se na posteljo in zaprla oči. V glavi so se mi odvrteli sami lepi trenutki z Justinom in hotela sem samo da bi bil zraven mene. 
"Nicky! Nicky!!..." sem slišala in se zbudila 
iz sanjarjenja. Nad mano sem videla Kim, ki me je tolkla po licu, da bi se zbudila. 
"Are you ok? You mentioed Justin's name... twice" 
"Really?" vsedla sem se na postelji, ona pa je počepnila pred mano.
"Can you tell me what happened?" mi je tiho rekla in položila svoje roke na moja kolena. Začela sem govorit in povedala sem ji vse.
"Maybe he need someone right now by his side... maybe is something wrong and he don't have anyone to tell him"
"We are best friends and I can't wait him to tell me what's wrong... I trust him" 
"so?... listen to him and maybe he will tell you what's wrong" pogledala sem v tla.
"But do you really think you just want to be best friend with him or do you wanna be something more?" 
"What?! Of course I wanna be friend with him...I know he feels the same, because everytime he's with me, he's different, and he always have that beautiful smile on hic face and his beautiful eyes are shining and his parfume..."
"Ok I get it like him" je rekla navdušeno. Nasmehnila sem se in odkimala.
"yeah I know that look....Listen you should go out a little"
"I don't know, I'm just not in the right mood"
"Then go running or something I don't know"
"I will see"
"Well I must go" je dodala takoj.
"Where are you going?"
"I'm going out with Luke" 
"Ok" objela me je in odšla. 

*KIM'S P.O.V.*
I'm going out today with Luke, so I just said goodbye to Nicky and hug her. I was on the way to Luke which was waiting me infront of the building. I was walking downstairs when I saw Justin kissing with some girl. I stopped and hide behind stairs. When he moved I saw a girl's face and it was...

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