Potrebovala sem to. Pogrešala sem njegove objeme in on je bil vse kar sem tisti trenutek rabila. Jokala sem kot še nikoli. Po zelo dolgem objemu sem ga spustila in pozdravila še Scooterja.
"Are you ok?" me je vprašal Justin in rahlo sem prikimala. Vsedla sva se, potem pa je mama začela.
"What if we leave them and we go for coffee" je rekla Scooterju in kmalu zatem sva ostala sama.
"So, how's Kyle?" me je najprej vprašal, ker ni imel kaj drugega za vprašat.
"he's good"
"I'm sorry I didn't take Kim with me, but I came as fast as I could"
"It's ok, she'll call me anyway" rahlo se je nasmehnil in me spet pogledal.
"How's Kia?" sem ga vprašala, ker spet ni imel več kaj za povedat.
"She's ok" povzdignila sem obrvi, saj je bil to res kratek odgovor. Pogledala sem v tla in prav tako tudi on.
"Why did you came?" sem izstrelila brez pomisleka.
"No I didn't mean so...We didn't talk like 8 months and you show up after such a long time" sem se popravila, potem pa me je prijel za roke.
"Even if we didn't talk, we're still best friends. You know me much more than Kia" rahlo sem se mu nasmehnila in spet pogledala v tla.
"Look..." je spet začel, "after that situation I would like to take you on a tour with me"
"Are you serious?!" sem postala živčna, ker sem vedela da ni prav če grem zraven, "you're asking me to go with you on your tour, but you are there with your girlfriend?"
"yes? Look it's only for 3 months"
"Justin, I can't...what about my school, family and Kyle?"
"You can have a private teacher and your family will accept this because I promised them I'll protect you"
"You talked with them already?!"
"No, but I gave them a promise when we met"
"ok...but you didn't tell me yet what will happen with me and Kyle"
"you won't see him for 3 months" je povedal tako zlahka.
"I can't believe this"
"3 months are not the all life, you can see him on skype and you can video chat with him every day"
"I know but..." sem rekla, potem pa me je prekinil.
"...then why is such a problem go without him?"
"Because I love him ok?!" sem se zadrla in začela jokat. Justin od takrat naprej ni nič rekel, dokler nista v bolnico vstopila oči in Tim.
"Dad!" sem zaklicala in jima stekla v objem.
"Ahh, my sweetheart" mi je rekel in me poljubil na čelo, potem pa sta prišla še mama in Scooter nazaj. Mama je šla objet oba, Scooter in Justin pa sta ji ju tudi pozdravila. Tim je stopil predme in vsi smo stopili v nekakšen krog, naenkrat pa je Justinu zazvonil telefon. Natiho je Scooterju povedal, da je Kia, saj sem mu prebrala iz ust. Odmaknil se je nekam stran, da se je lahko pogovarjal. Poskusila sem se osredotočit na ljudi okrog mene, ampak sem ves čas gledala Justina, ki me je večkrat pogledal.
"Nicky. Can we talk?" mi je rekla mama in me prijela za roko, da sva stopili nekam stran.
"Can we go to the bar (v bolnici) because I'm hungry" sem ji rekla in šli sva v manjšo okrepčevalnico, ki je bila v bolnici.
"What did you want to tell me?" sem jo vprašala, ko sva se vsedli za mizo.
"I talked to Scooter and he asked me if you would go on the tour with them?"
"I don't know mom" sem izdihnila.
"Why? It's only 3 months and you'll have a private teacher until you come back"
"I know, but...Kyle's in the hospital now and I want to be with him" sem oklevala.
"Look honey...You can see him everyday on skype and you two can talk on the phone"
"But that's not the same" nekaj časa me je gledala, potem pa se je rahlo nasmehnila.
"That's not the reason, is it?" me je naenkrat vprašala, kot da bi kaj ugotovila.
"What are you talking about?"
"You don't wanna go because of Justin right?"
"Yes" sem izdihnila obupano. Mama je čakala, da ji povem vse kar mi je ležalo na duši.
"Will you tell me what's happening?" me je vprašala z nežnim glasom, kot da mi želi pomagat.
"It's just that, it hurts me when I see Justin and Kia together... and now she's pregnant it hurts me more because Justin's father and I want to be more than just a friend for him" na koncu sem zajokala, ker sem za vsako besedo vedela, da je resnična.
"he want to be more than a friend to you too, trust me" pobožala me je po ramenu.
"I don't wanna talk about it" sem ji rekla in naprej sva se pogovarjali samo še o Timu in o znanih osebnostih.
"So can I say to Scooter that you'll go?" me je vprašala mama, ko sva hodili nazaj proti čakalnici.
"I'll talk to him" sem ji rekla in že sva se pridružili ostalim. Mama je stopila k očetu in Timu, jaz pa sem pogledala Scooterja
"I decided" sem rekla in Justin me je prestrašeno pogledal.
"I'll go with you if we go when Kyle comes out of the hospital" Justin je naredil presenečen in hkrati vesel obraz, ampak je skušal tisto veselje skriti, vendar ga pred mano ni mogel. Čakala sem na Scooterjev odgovor ali pa tudi Justinov.
"will anybody answer me?" sem še enkrat vprašala ker nisem slišala odgovora.
"Ok, that's how we deal..." je začel Scooter...
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