"There's nothing wrong, I'm just in worries that's all" sem mu rekla
"What are you worried about?"
"I don't know... About you"
"Why about me?" malo sem premislila, kaj bi rekla.
"Because you are always trying to punch a cop like you can't hold your anger. Can't you see that everyone are waiting for you to do something wrong" pogledala sem in ob straneh lic sem mu videla kako stiska zobe. Bil je tiho, zato sem za nekaj časa utihnila še jaz.
"At least we bought a dress" je rekel čez čas in se nasmehnil.
"Yeah, that's the most important thing for this date" spet je utihnil in od tam naprej sva do doma poslušala samo še muziko, ki se je vrtela na radiu.
Tišino pa je prekinil moj telefon, ko sem dobila sms od Kim.
"Where are you?!"
"We're driving" sem ji odgovorila.
"Is it Kyle?" me je vprašal Justin.
"No, it's Kim" samo zajamral je še z "aha" in spet je nastala tišina.
"Ok tell me what's wrong with you!" sem začela, ker mi je že ta tišina šla na živce.
"H?" se je oglasil in me pogledal.
"You are quiet all the time and you don't even smile and you always just do that 'mhm' or 'aha' and that makes me nervous!" sem se razjezila in nekaj časa je prestrašeno gledal, potem pa se začel smejat.
"Did I say something funny!?" sem še rekla, potem pa se še jaz začela smejat.
"It's not that. It's just that I ruined your date" je rekel, ko se je nehal smejat.
"You didn't ruin it... you even make it more special because you bought me the most beautiful dress I've ever saw" takrat pa je Justinu zazvonil telefon in klicala ga je Kia.
"It's Kia" mi je rekel in se oglasil.
"Yes?...no...I'm on my way...ok...no!...bye" je govoril in živčno prekinil. Nisem ga hotela spraševati, saj bi ga spravila še v večjo jezo. Kmalu sva prišla pred dom.
"Nic!" mi je rekel, ko sem že odprla vrata in hotela izstopiti. Pogledala sem ga.
"I want to be at your place when you'll put on this dress ok?" nasmehnila sem se mu in prikimala.
"Yes" poljubila sem ga na lica in izstopila.
"What were you doing at the police station?!" mi je Kim takoj rekla, ko sem prišla v sobo. Na postelji je sedela z dalincem v roki in bulila v tv.
"What?" sem rekla in se ji pridružila.
"Justin Bieber was with his girlfriend, daughter of Brad and Angelina, Nicky Pitt. We found a little bag of marihuana in Justin's jacket, so we took him to the police station..."
"What the fuck!?!" sem se zadrla in vstala s postelje.
"He didn't have a marihuana... they are lying!!" vzela sem telefon in poklicala Justina, ampak ravno takrat je bil zaseden in tudi meni je telefon zazvonil takoj ko sem prikinila. Bila je mama.
"Mom" sem se javila.
"Can you explain me what's that thing with police and marihuana?!"
"No mom, they're lying! Please trust me, they're lying. We only went shopping and he drived too fast so they stopped us"
"I thought that maybe you'll get better in that college but you're worst!"
"I decided to get you back home and you'll go in that college over here and that's the end of story!"
"No..." dobila sem solzne oči.
"Start packing because the plane will come tomorrow at 3 p.m and I'll call principal" prekinila je, jaz pa sem planila v jok. Kim me je spraševala kaj je bilo ampak ji nisem mogla povedat. Ko sem končno prišla k sebi, sem ji povedala vse.
"Oh no" je rekla Kim žalostno in me objela, potem pa sem šla v kopalnico.
*KIM'S P.O.V.*
She locked herself in the bathroom so I decided to call Justin. He answered in the second.
"Nicky!" he said a little bit scared.
"It's me Kim... did you see the news?"
"Yes and Scooter called me but he trust me that's not true"
"Ok, but Angelina don't trust Nicky so she decided to get her back to Florida and out of this college"
"Yes, she didn't even listen to her"
"Oh gosh"
"Please come here, because she is locked in the bathroom and probably she won't came out"
"Ok I'll come"
"And please make something that they'll say that's not true"
"I will" he said and then I give phone back to her bag.
"Are you ok?" I asked Nicky and knocked on the doors of bathroom.
"mhm" I heard her. Justin really came in 10 minutes.
"Is she still in bathroom?" he asked me and he knocked on doors.
"Nicky. Came out please" he said and she came out. He hugged her and then I left the room and went to Luke's room.
Naenkrat sem zaslišala trkanje in Justinov glas, ko me je klical iz kopalnice in seveda sme takoj šla ven. Objel me je in jaz sem se lahko jokala na njegova ramena.
"I'll make everything will be ok" mi je rekel in me stisnil v objem. Še vedno sem jokala, potem pa je vzel telefon in poklical Scooterja ter mu rekel, da naj prijavi novico. Takoj ko se je zmenil me je spet objel.
"I don't want to go"
"and you won't" me je miril.
"Do you know why I was so nervous before?" me je vprašal in takrat sem nehala jokat.
"Hm?" sem vprašujoče zajamrala.
"Because I was jealous of yoor date and that maybe you'll fall in love with Kyle and forget me"...
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