"You cheat on me with her? That stupid?"
"Hey...keep the bad words for you" stopil je pred mene, Chloe pa je s solzami v očeh rekla
"So... are we breaking up?" je komaj spravila iz sebe
"Yes" ji je pritrdil Ethan in ona je jezno odšla.
"Are you ok?" me je potem vprašal.
"Come, let's go" pograbil je mojo torbico in me pospremil do doma.
"I'm sorry for this" se je še opravičil.
"No it's not your fault" nato pa se mi je približal in me poljubil.
"See you" je rekel in odšel. Gledala sem za njim in potem tudi jaz odšla v sobo.
"what the fuck happened to you?" me je vprašala Kim ko sem stopila v sobo.
"Chloe" sem odgovorila in takrat je že kar vedela.
"I will text a message to dad and then I will go to bed" sem rekla Kim in poslala sms atiju.
Naslednji dan je bil petek in s Kim sva se odločili, da greva zvečer ven. Ves dan je potekal normalno. Chloe ni bilo pri pouku, saj je verjetno jokala v sobi. Ethan pa me je večkrat pogledal in mi pomežiknil ter se nasmehnil. Po pouku smo jaz, Kim in Luke odšli pred šolo.
"I must go on the toilet... wait me here" je rekla Kim in stekla na wc.
"Tonight when we go out (Luke gre zraven naju s Kim ven) I will ask Kim if she will be my girlfriend"
"Omg yes" sem rekla navdušeno.
"I really love her" nasmehnila sem se mu potem pa sva počakala Kim da smo odšli do doma. S Kim sva se šli kar spravlat saj je bila ura že 5 popoldne. Po približno 1 uri in pol sva bili spravljeni. Jaz sem imela oblečeno to
Kim pa to
Ko sva prišli ven naju je zunaj čakal Luke.
"Wow... you two look amazing" je rekel, potem pa smo se s taksijem odpeljali do nočnega kluba. Onadva sta šla takoj plesat, jaz pa sem šla iskat en prazen prostor. Naročila sem nam vsakemu 1 pivo in ko sem se vsedla je k meni prišel Ethan in se vsedel zraven. Nekaj časa sva se pogovorjala, potem pa me je povabil plesat. Čisto sem se prepustila Ethanu in glasbi, da na kaj drugega sploh nisem razmišljala. Poljubljal me je po vratu in po ustah.
"Come with me" mi je naenkrat rekel.
"Wait I must to tell Kim"
"Leave them.... she knows that you're in good hands" prijel me je za roko in odpeljal, tako da nisem mogla povedati Kim da grem.
Me and Luke went to our table when Nicky and Ethan went to the dance floor.
"I have something to tell you" said Luke and I turned to him.
"Ok, then tell me" I said to him nicely.
"I don't know what was with me before Nicky came to our school. I didn't evet notice you. But now... when I know you and I just think like I know you forever... so... I really like you Kim.. not just like you... I love you... so would you be my girlfriend?" he asked me and first I was in shock
"Wh..." I was so confused.
"So?" he asked me again.
"Yes Luke... I will be your girlfriend" I said and he kissed me immediately. We smiled to each other and then I saw Justin came into club with sunglasses and heat. Nobody notice him so I went to him.
"Justin! What are you doing here?" I asked him.
"Where is Nicky?"
"She's dancing with Ethan" I tried to show him where's Nicky, but they weren't there anymore.
"Wait, she was there... Luke!" I called Luke if maybe he saw her anywhere.
"Did you see Nicky and Ethan anywhere? She gone and she didn't tell me"
"Maybe they went out... you know... they love each other like we do"
"No... Nicky don't love Ethan... and now I'm in worry"
"Why? She's with Ethan for god"
"Yes and for that I'm in worry... she doesn't know him... he will take her to bed and then he will leave her like every 2nd girl in this club" Justin looked at me so angry.
"Give me her number" said Justin to me and I gave him a number of Nicky. Then he ran out of club like a crazy.
Z Ethanom sva hodila in vedno bolj sva bila vstran od kluba. Peljal me je na neko zapuščeno ozko ulico.
"What are we doing here?" sem ga začudeno vprašala. Poljubil me je in poljubi so bili zmeraj bolj strastnejši. Hodila sva vzratno in on mi je med tem dvigoval obleko.
"What are you doing?" sem ga jezno vprašala in ga odrinila vstran.
"Nothing" spet se je zagnal vame, jaz pa sem ga poskušala odriniti stran.
"Leave me alone.. Ethan! Leave me" sem kričala in upala na to da me bo kdo slišal. Ethan me ni ispustil iz rok. Ko sem se še enkrat zadrla je postal resnično jezen
"Shut up!" in me udaril. Začela sem se jokat in iz strani čela (tam ko me je udaril) mi je začela teči kri.
"Kim was right!" sem se drla na njega. Potisnil me je ob steno in me lizal po vratu, ampak ga nisem mogla odriniti, bila sem čisto brez moči.
"No! Please leave me" sem se jokala, potem ga je kar naenkrat nekdo potegnil od mene...
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