sobota, 15. marec 2014

13. DEL was Chloe. What? Chloe? That can't be possible. I was in shock. In the first moment I've remembered of Nicky's face when she was describing Justin and how happy she was. She doesn't desirve something like that. She will get her heart broken. Maybe that's what Justin hide and didn't tell Nicky. I will leave everything  and pretending like I didn't see anything.

2 minuti zatem, ko je Kim odšla, sem vstala z postelje in si spreoblekla športna oblačila, da bi šla malo tekat, kot mi je predlagala Kim. 

Takoj po 3 minutah sem bila pripravljena, vzela sem še slušalke in odšla iz sobe. Šla sem po stopnicah, čeprav smo imeli še dvigalo, ampak se mi ni dalo čakat, da bi se pripeljal do mojega nadstropja.

I was on the way to Nicky's room, when Chloe came and hugged me. We kissed each other. Insuddenly we were making out. 
"I must go now" I said to her.
"What? Already? No honey please stay with me just for a minute"
"I can't" I kissed her for goodbye and went on the elevator. When I came on the 2nd floor, someone just went down the stairs, but I didn't mind for this. 

Šla sem po stopnicah, ko je dvigalo zapiskalo v mojem nadstropju. A zdej pa je lahk prišel? Nadaljevala sem pot po stopnicah in si pri izhodu nadela slušalke in začela teči proti parku. Tam sem se tudi ustavila na klopci in gledala sončni zahod. 
Po 1 uri sem se tudi vrnila. Vstopila sem v sobo in Kim je že bila tam. 
"Hey" sem jo pozdravila, ko sem vstopila. 
"Is something wrong?" me je takoj vprašala zaskrbljeno.
"No why haha?" 
"I don't know... last days you are so in the bad mood" 

*KIM'S P.O.V.*
I came in the room and Nicky wasn't there. Probably she really went running. O gosh... She probably saw Justin kissing with Chloe too. O my gosh no.. And now she will be really angry on the hole world. I hope everything's ok. After 10 minutes someone came in and it was Nicky. She wasn't really happy.
"Hey" she said to me. I asked her if she's ok and she answered me, knowing that's nothing wrong. Then she didn't see Justin. Yes! 
Then she went in bathroom. I was looking some videos on youtube when someone knock on the door. I went to doors and slowly opened it.
"Hey Nicky in here?" asked Justin.
"Am... no she's not"...